Registration Instructions
1. New members - Download and complete your form and bring to a rehearsal
Existing members - Pay, then sign and date your Membership Form at a rehearsal. (You don’t need to complete a new one, but if any details have changed, please update them)
2. Membership fees for the Autumn term 2024 will be £72, or bursary at £3 per week.
- Please pay by Bank Transfer before you attend the first rehearsal. If you don't have the bank details already , please contact the treasurer for further information, using the Treasurer contact form.
- If you do not have electronic banking then you can bring a cheque to the first rehearsal made payable to 'The Station Singers', but for £72.40, as the bank charges to pay in cheques.
- For those who do not have a bank account or pay weekly, please bring the correct money in an envelope with your name on.
- If you would like to join the choir but need some financial support, please read the Bursary information below .
Registration Form
Please click either button below to download a registration form.
Word PDFNot sure which choir is for you?
You can contact us for further information, or Try a FREE Taster Session on any of the first few weeks of term.
Other Ways to Help
- Be a concert usher
- Circulate posters in your village/ town
- Help our publicity or library teams
- Take photos of our events
Contact us if you have some time to spare and would like to get involved.