Version 1.3 Final June 2020
27 June 2020
- Name - The Station Singers Management Committee (SSMC)
- Aims of the Organisation
- To run ‘The Station Singers’ community choirs as a not for profit organisation, for the benefit of the community, to help all who wish, to access the opportunity to sing in a friendly and supportive environment.
- Powers
- To appoint a Musical Director & Officials to run the choirs on a day to day basis.
- To agree the annual budget and membership fees, to cover the costs of running the community choirs.
- To agree the remuneration for the Musical Director, and accompanist.
- To agree the budgets for individual concerts.
- To provide a Bursary Fund to allocate bursary payments of up to 50% of fees to provide assisted places to those who cannot afford to pay the full fee. The scheme will be administered by The Treasurer and one representative from each choir.
- To ensure that all rehearsal and performance venues used by the choirs have adequate Public Liability Insurance, and that all other aspects of choir and SSMC activities have adequate insurance cover.
- Carry out anything else within the law necessary to achieve the aims of the organisation.
- Membership
- At least five Management Committee Members (MCMs) who are existing singers or co-opted supporters, including at least one from each choir.
- New MCMs to be nominated by an existing MCM and appointed by majority decision of existing MCMs.
- A MCM can be asked to leave if the individual’s behaviour is detrimental to the aims of the group, by majority decision.
- Officials (who may also be MCMs):
- Musical Director
- Accompanist
- Treasurer
- Librarian
- Membership Secretary
- Minutes Secretary
- Equal Opportunities
- The Station Singers Management Committee does not discriminate between different groups of people. It promotes equality of opportunity, eliminates unlawful discrimination and encourages good relations between people of different groups irrespective of race, religion, gender, and or disability etc.
- Meetings
- The aim is to minimise the number of formal meetings, and to concentrate on community singing. Most communication and day to day decision making will be achieved by email, telephone, or face to face discussions at practices.
- Once a year the SSMC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held to review the progress of the choirs, agree the previous year’s accounts, agree the strategy and budget for the coming year, and to make any amendments to this constitution.
- Special General Meetings may be called if absolutely necessary.
- A quorum for meetings will be five MCMs and decisions made at meetings will be recorded.
- The Musical Director, supported by the officials, will prepare a short annual report for communication to all MCMs and choir members.
- Finance
- The Station Singers Management Committee hold a current & deposit account. and all payment transactions require the signature of one MCM. The Treasurer, and two choir members are authorised signatories. (Only one from each household). Signatories will be advised of all payments made on a regular basis.
- The Treasurer will keep records of all transactions and publish a termly account to the MCMs.
- The accounts will be examined annually by a volunteer from the choirs, agreed by a majority of MCMs but not related to any of them.
- The Treasurer is authorised to make day to day expenditure in line with the agreed budgets.
- Amendments to This Constitution
- Amendments to this constitution can be proposed by any MCM and agreed by majority at the AGM or Special General Meeting.
- Should dissolution of The Station Singers become necessary this must be agreed by a majority vote at the AGM or Special General Meeting. Once debts have been paid, any remaining funds and music assets to be donated to a similar organisation as agreed by the meeting.